Membership Pledge
We pledge that as members of the Virginia Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, we, above all others, shall set a good example and never bring dishonor to the Widows Sons or ourselves. We pledge that we will support our brethren in the Widows Sons regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will never knowingly bring reproach upon a fellow brother of the Widows Sons. We pledge to resist any forces which would seek to undermine or bring reproach on the Widows Sons or its members, and we shall always strive to bring respect and dignity to the Virginia Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
Download Chapter Application (include $120 with your application - includes dues, patch set, state assessment)
Dues Payments are $20 ($15 chapter dues + $5 state assessment fee)
Please pay as "Friends & Family"
Life Membership Payments ($240)
Please pay as "Friends & Family"